• Address : State of Kuwait, Hawalli, Cairo Street Area 5, Street No.133, Building No. 900011
  • Time : Sunday to Thursday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm * Friday & Saturday (closed)

Student’s Information

Name (According to Civil ID) Middle Name (According to Civil ID) Surname (According to Civil ID)
Disability Type Date of Birth Place of Birth
Gender Civil ID Number Religion
Nationality Mother Language Other Languages

Parent’s Information

Father Mother
Place of Work
Work Address
Attach Passport Copy
Attach Civil ID
Attach Passport Copy
Attach Civil ID
House Phone Number
Home address
Note: If the parents are separated, please write the name of the guardian responsible for the student's educational custody and provide the school with a certified, non-appealable copy of the court order. Attach copy of the court order Attach Civil ID